Takmičenje učenika Balkan Youth Forum - uživo

Thursday, 15 February 2024 16:42.

Pratite uživo takmičenje učenika Balkan Youth Forum koje se održava danas, 15.februara 2024.godine od 11h u Sarajevu! Može se pratiti uživo preko stranice organizatora događaja Centar za promociju civilnog društva CPDC https://www.facebook.com/civilnodrustvoBiH i preko Zoom linka https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86453033429?pwd=Z2F4bGxWb0xIeG5LMkJ3eEhKNE11Zz09

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The Regional Service Centres of training firms meeting

Wednesday, 24 April 2013 09:55.

The Regional Service Centres of training firms meeting, organized by KulturKontakt Austria and Montenegrin Service Centre of training firms, will be held 7-8. May 2013 in the Hotel City in Podgorica (address: Crnogorskih serdara 5). Arrival of participants is scheduled for May 6, and departure for May 9, 2013. Enclosed, please find the agenda.




The short film about working in the training firms

Friday, 08 February 2013 15:21.

Austrian organization KulturKontakt has finished with recording and producing a short film about working in the training firms and Service Centre of Montenegro, in order to promote this innovative teaching method. The film also includes sequences, which were recorded at the International Training Firms Fair, organized in Budva in 2012, and it is available on the front page of the website and within the Multimedia menu.

Opening Foreign Currency accounts in Serbia for TFs from Montenegro

Monday, 21 January 2013 13:00.

We inform all Training Firms, whose teachers participated at the professional meeting on 19-21 September 2012 in Milocer, organized by KulturKontakt from Serbia, and signed cooperation agreement with TFs from Serbia, that, from now on, 15 Montenegrin TFs are allowed to open Foreign Currency accounts in the Virtual Central Bank of Serbia (VCB). To use VCB bank, you need to contact them with a request for openining a Foreign Currency account. The procedure of opening an account is available on the the Service Centre website - Sopot http://www.servisnicentar.org/


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